The goal is to transparently showcase how Rifinizione ALAN S.p.A. contributes to Sustainable Development.

Our company, Rifinizione ALAN S.p.A., has always operated according to the principles of environmental respect and protection

This commitment was reflected in our use of recycled water from the centralized GIDA treatment plant starting in 1991.

A significant first step in our sustainable journey.


For production, Rifinizione ALAN S.p.A. began using recycled water sourced from GIDA.


A photovoltaic system with a capacity of 915 kWp has been installed on the roof, capable of generating 1,100,000 kWh of clean electricity per year.


A pathway for the sustainable management of chemicals has been established and is continuously pursued with a focus on ongoing improvement.


LED Relamping


Installation of a heat recovery exchanger.


The energy efficiency improvements begin for the company's most energy-intensive machinery and systems.


We obtain GOTS, GRS, and RWS certifications.


The replacement of 10 dyeing machines, initiated in 2022, has been completed with the aim of reducing water and energy consumption. We have been granted €92,691.00 in funding for energy efficiency interventions under the "Energy Efficiency Grant for Textile District Enterprises" program. This support is provided according to the measures outlined in D.M. 05.08.2023 for economic assistance to businesses in the Prato textile district.


The first organizational Carbon Footprint has been calculated, and the preparation of the initial Sustainability Report is planned.

Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Brundtland Report

ZDHC – Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals

Rifinizione ALAN adheres to the RoadMap To Zero (ZDHC), a multi-stakeholder organization comprising over 320 signatories, including brands, suppliers, solution providers, and chemical suppliers. The ZDHC program guides the fashion industry towards the elimination of hazardous chemicals from the supply chain, promoting the development of a more sustainable industry.

We adopt a sustainable and safe management approach for the chemicals used within the company through a holistic strategy. This includes careful selection of chemical products, a robust Chemical Management System, and monitoring of wastewater through regular analyses.

  • InCheck Report

    To demonstrate compliance with the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL), we produce a monthly chemical inventory report that adheres to ZDHC standards. This report showcases our performance regarding the chemicals purchased and used in our productions.

    All auxiliaries and dyes used in our processes are certified according to the ZDHC MRSL v.3.1.

  • Supplier To Zero.
    We adhere to the Supplier To Zero program. Our ZDHC performance is certified at Foundational – Level 1, demonstrating our awareness of both ZDHC chemical management and the implementation of ZDHC solutions.
  • Clear Stream
    We generate ClearStream Reports, which present the results of tests conducted on wastewater from production, as required by the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines.


We have made a concrete commitment to our stakeholders to embark on a virtuous path of positive change in our business model with a focus on sustainability, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – as outlined in our COMMITMENT 4S. The initiatives we have joined contribute to the following key UN Sustainable Development Goals: 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, and 15.

  • Planet

    We assess the environmental aspects generated by the company’s activities, measuring impacts and defining a path for improvement, with a particular focus on energy consumption, GHG emissions, and water resource impact.

    We have calculated our first organizational Carbon Footprint. This calculation was conducted following UNI EN ISO 14064 (2019) standards and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, aiming to measure the total environmental footprint of the organization concerning Climate Change. This includes evaluating both direct emissions (Category 1 and Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Categories 2, 3, 4, and Scope 2-3). The study defined 2018 as the baseline year and recalculated for 2023.

    We also assessed our Water Footprint, which reflects the water impact associated with Rifinizione ALAN S.p.A.’s activities. This study was conducted for both the baseline year 2018 and for 2023, evaluating the impact categories of acidification, eutrophication, water scarcity, and freshwater ecotoxicity.

    We are preparing to start evaluating the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of processed items.

    Our E-Report – Planet will be available soon.

  • Chemicals
    We are committed to eliminating toxic and hazardous chemicals from our production processes in accordance with the ZDHC Roadmap, through the development of a chemical management system. Our performance in Chemical Management has been assessed through annual on-site assurance.
    Visit our E-Report – Chemicals

Renewable Energy

Since 2010, part of Rifinizione ALAN’s energy needs has been met through the generation of electricity from renewable sources. Specifically, a 915 kWp photovoltaic system installed on the roof produces approximately 1,100,000 kWh annually, covering about 17% of the total electricity consumption.

Foto pannelli solari - energia rinnovabile

Recycled Water

For production, we use recycled water sourced from the centralized GIDA wastewater recycling plant, which helps reduce the use of groundwater resources. The water used in our production cycles is channeled through a dedicated industrial sewer to the central treatment facility. There, it undergoes physical and chemical treatments, ensuring that the treated wastewater meets the necessary standards for industrial reuse.


For approximately ten years, Rifinizione ALAN S.p.A. has ensured traceability for its production items by tracking the batch number of each chemical product used, from purchase through to its application and eventual disposal. This system allows us to trace the origin of any non-conformities and plan corrective actions. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, in January 2024, we replaced our old management system with a new ERP that further enhances traceability management.

Immagine rappresentazione tessuto

Sustainability Report

We are preparing our first Sustainability Report!

The Sustainability Report is a document that outlines the main impacts of the organization on the economy, the environment, and people, as well as how these impacts are managed. The goal is to transparently showcase how Rifinizione ALAN S.p.A. contributes to and plans to contribute to Sustainable Development.

Rifinizione Alan S.p.A.

Progetto finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020 Asse 1/POR CREO FESR 2007-2013 Linea 1.3b/PRSE 2012-2015 Linea 1.b

Rifinizione Alan S.p.A.

Progetto co-finanziato dal POR FESR TOSCANA 2014-2020 – AZIONE 3.1.1. sub a3
“Aiuti finalizzati al contenimento e al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19”

“Fondo investimenti Toscana – aiuti agli investimenti” – Bando approvato con D.D. n. 14508 del 17/09/2020 rettificato con D.D. n. 14512 del 21/09/2020
Progetto RIFINIZIONE_ALAN_FONDO_INVEST- CUP ST 14508.17092020.172000945

Progetto di investimento in beni materiali finalizzato al supporto dell’attività imprenditoriale
Periodo di realizzazione del progetto: 2020-2021
Sostegno finanziario: € 95.220,00