The wide variety and modernity of our machinery, combined with the professionalism of our staff, make us one of the most capable companies in delivering innovative finishing processes for both woven and knitted fabrics, fully meeting the required quality and environmental standards.

Rifinizione ALAN S.p.A. was established in 1978 through the reorganization of the family business, “Lanificio Figli di Giovanni Menichetti,” a historic Prato-based full-cycle company founded in the 1920s. It was completely destroyed by the Nazi-fascists in 1944 before the city’s liberation and was promptly rebuilt with the help of the workforce in 1945-1946.

In the 1980s, Francesco Menichetti, Giovanni’s son, took over the dyeing and finishing department. Together with his wife Fiorenza and their young children Andrea and Alessandro, he began working as a third-party provider.

Rifinizione Alan
Specchi - Rifinizione Alan

In 1984, the company was relocated from its historic headquarters on Via Favini to the modern industrial area of Macrolotto 1, at Via Toscana 14.

In 1991, the merger with another family business, Sopritex S.p.A., resulted in the formation of the current company structure.

The plant covers an area of approximately 13,000 m² and employs over 95 staff members.

Its production capacity is around 10 tons/day.

Rifinizione Alan S.p.A in numbers

Plant area approximately 13.000 m2

Production Capacity: Around 10 tons per day

Number of Employees 95


We have long embarked on a path aligned with the principles of Sustainable Development, with particular focus on the fundamental element of Sustainability: the Environment.

Rifinizione Alan S.p.A.

Progetto finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020 Asse 1/POR CREO FESR 2007-2013 Linea 1.3b/PRSE 2012-2015 Linea 1.b

Rifinizione Alan S.p.A.

Progetto co-finanziato dal POR FESR TOSCANA 2014-2020 – AZIONE 3.1.1. sub a3
“Aiuti finalizzati al contenimento e al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19”

“Fondo investimenti Toscana – aiuti agli investimenti” – Bando approvato con D.D. n. 14508 del 17/09/2020 rettificato con D.D. n. 14512 del 21/09/2020
Progetto RIFINIZIONE_ALAN_FONDO_INVEST- CUP ST 14508.17092020.172000945

Progetto di investimento in beni materiali finalizzato al supporto dell’attività imprenditoriale
Periodo di realizzazione del progetto: 2020-2021
Sostegno finanziario: € 95.220,00